Connection with my camera

Hi there,

I’m trying to use karmen with Klipper and for now everything seems great… except for the camera. I’m using an old phone connected to klipper with an ip adress. The camera works well while I’m using Mainsail but it’s not working yet on karmen.

(btw, jsem pisny ze jste tak silny v cesku za tisknout 3D veci :slight_smile: )

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Hi Samuel,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, Karmen is restricted to using only cameras connected locally to the Klipper device, such as USB cameras. This is due to security considerations; the Karmen plugin cannot access other network devices in your network.

Here are some possible solutions:

  • Don’t use your phone as a camera and try using a USB camera instead.
  • You can still use your phone as a camera, but you’ll need to set up a local proxy on the Klipper device so the camera will be seen by Karmen as a local camera.

If you are at least a little familiar with SSH and the Linux terminal, I can help you set up a proxy for the camera.

Let me know if you need assistance. We are here for you.

(Díky za snahu psát česky. Omlouvám se za pozdní odpověď. :slightly_smiling_face:)