CZE-Prague - ZigiLab & Snílkovna

Snílkovna is a space dedicated to the preservation and promotion of craftsmanship. At Snílkovna, we believe that learning is a two-way street, and that’s why we encourage intergenerational exchange. Our master craftsmen pass down their knowledge and expertise to the younger generation, while the younger generation teaches them about new technologies, such as mobile devices and 3D printers. This cross-generational collaboration fosters innovation and creativity, and helps ensure that traditional craftsmanship remains relevant and accessible in a rapidly changing world.
In Snílkovna, we offer a range of workshops for participants of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Join us and discover the joy and satisfaction of working with your hands to create something beautiful and enduring.

Stay tuned to know more about news and events at Snílkovna.
We also got:
IG: Snílkovna@Instagram
FB: Snílkovna@Facebook

Currently we’re with project ZigiLab at shared space and thankfully have bigger variety of tools :raised_hands:
Check them at:
IG: ZigiLab@Instagram
FB: ZigiLab@Facebook

Hey “dreamland” :slight_smile:,

We appreciate your outreach and would be delighted to have you join our community. To make your experience even more personalized, we can create a subgroup dedicated to you with the name “Prague Snílkovna.” Your contributions and expertise would be greatly valued and appreciated!

Please let us know if you are interested in having a special subgroup created for you. Also, please don’t hesitate to participate in any discussions on the Karmen forum. We welcome your ideas and contributions.

Thank you,

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We already using Karmen to manage printing project with 3D printing :raised_hands:
I could provide a few photos of last masks printed for primary school costumes event.

Some masks are printing time above 20h so have opportunity to check printjob from home, work etc is AWESOME.
Thanks for your work guys! :raised_hands::heart:

It could interested you @semik topic Repairs and 3D printed gadgets :slight_smile:
We at Snílkovna are glad that members think creative way and find-out how to repair stuff.
For example hinge on those headphones broke.
John start modeling new hinge but Jake show him already created model on printables :slight_smile:
It took something like one hour and headphones are again ready to GO! :musical_note:

@voyczech Thanks for your posts. I’m very happy to see your work here!

I’m happy to announce that we already acquire new space :slight_smile:

This weekend we moved all of our stuff to new place (momentarily to warehouse part of space) until reconstruction works will be done. I will definitely announce our grand opening also here :slight_smile:

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This is veeeery nice. What is the current status? :slight_smile:

Long time no see :sweat_smile:
We are in ours finally reconstructed space under ZigiLab.
Now we need to clean and make everything tidy :sweat_smile:
Hope soon I could announce opening and invite you to check it in person!
Yesterday was first day with internet connection inside so I started connecting our printers to Karmen! :raised_hands: :heart:
All actions now will be through Karmen public content check on our public workspace profile

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Looks like real workshop space :+1: Wish you good times in there! Looking forward to see Karmen in action there too! :smiling_face:

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First Karmen Pills installed on our Mk3 :slight_smile:
Thanks for cooperation :raised_hands:

Now I can make a call for everybody in Prague and around!
“You can come and see Karmen in action and ask us about!”


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This is really cool, Karmen everywhere! :sweat_smile::heart:

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First remote print :smiley: I mean started outside of workshop :smiley:

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That looks great. How many printers do you have in workspace?


  • five Mk3 and 6th waiting for assembly.
  • Three Ender 5Plus currently on maintenance
  • BambuLab X1C with AMS
  • Two BambuLab A1 (from Dec 2023)


  • two Creality Halot One
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