Join the Discussion: Karmen vs. Prusa Connect – What's Your Take?

Welcome to the discussion! We tested Prusa Connect and are convinced of the superiority of our solution, Karmen3D. However, we’re genuinely interested in hearing your opinion and engaging in an open debate about its comparison with both solutions. Join us as we compare the two, exploring their features, functionalities, and real-world applications. What’s your verdict? If you have experience with other similar tools such as Simplyprint, please feel free to share your thoughts here. Let’s dive in and exchange insights!

The topic is open also for Czech native users, so feel free to use the Czech language.

Have a nice day and happy printing,
Martin B.



i have never worked with Prusa Connect or any other software, however i feel like Karmen has all i need to control and work with my 3D printers. Also there are so many more functions, i haven’t even discovered yet. The biggest perk with Karmen are its developers, who communicate and help me with every problem i might run into. So for me, the choice is easy!
Is there anybody who sees it differently?

Happy printing fellas,
Vojta P.

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if we compare karmen with prusa connect, karmen has one huge advantage. Karmen’s API is easily accessible and it is relatively easy to connect custom devices. If the developers implement everything they said, then Connect will not be much competition.

Best regards Jan P.


Thank you all for your reactions. Your feedback is very important to us! We are working hard to make Karmen even better, and we hope that our efforts will make you happy as users.

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Hello everyone,

As we announced, we’ve taken a closer look at the PRUSA Connect solution and even made a minor comparison table on our website. We would appreciate your participation in the discussion, and if we’ve made any mistakes, we’re happy to correct them.

Thank you!

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