I’m currently using your free cloud service at a school and I’d like to donate to help keep it free for others. I won’t be able to give much but I figure if everyone gives a little it would be better.
Could you please let me know how I can give to your project? Maybe you could add a donation option in your e-shop?
Google Translate:
V současné době používám vaši bezplatnou cloudovou službu ve škole a rád bych přispěl, abych ji pomohl udržet zdarma pro ostatní. Nebudu moci dát mnoho, ale myslím, že kdyby každý dal trochu, bylo by to lepší.
Můžete mi prosím dát vědět, jak mohu dát vašemu projektu? Možná byste mohli přidat možnost darování ve vašem e-shopu?
Thank you for your email. We are really happy that you like Karmen!
Currently, there is no way to donate to our work. The biggest help for us currently would be if you share your enthusiasm for Karmen with your friends on social media and elsewhere.
P.S.: May I make this topic public? We are at the beginning of creating a community, and your post would help us.
By the way, we have some features in our development backlog for schools, such as:
student accounts (students will be able to upload Gcodes to Karmen, but they won’t be able to start the print themselves)
printer public view (you can share the printer’s printing status publicly, so that students and others can see how their print job is progressing)
and more…
I will share more information about features for schools in a few days. We plan to make our product backlog public - and we will be happy to have any feedback from you.